Dzakkhalis Kodar

Shadow Serpent | Smiling Exile
Lies from Truth

Currently Looking For:
- Rivals / Heroes
- Associates / Clients / Patrons
- Friends, Allies, Lovers, Ex-Lovers, Ex-Lover's Lovers armed with pitchforks and torches

Crystal | Mateus


Alignment: Chaotic Gleeful
Age: mid-30s?
Race: Xaela Au'Ra
Primary Job(s): Formerly Archer, current skills unknown
Orientation: Southwest, Gynophilic, Polyamorous, Top
Relationship Status: Single and currently smiling at you.
- Friendly, amicable, and adaptable
- Extremely agile
- Long distance marksman
- Despises anyone he considers a Khan (authoritarians, no les, rich folk)
- Will liberate slaves and the chained
- Stubborn
- Secretive
- Distractingly Lustful
- Intentionally keeps himself destitute to avoid being distracted by the “good life” (which he LOVES)
- Will actively try to kill anyone he considers a Khan
- Will not defend the downtrodden past breaking chains


Playable Backstory, made with RPG Maker MVSeeing the annual war to become the leader of the Xaela Tribes as a wasteful ritual, he began systematically assassinating any Khan he could find as he traveled from the far side of the Steppe towards Eorzea.But someday, the "King Splitter" will make sure that every "khan" will find themselves rent asunder, no matter if they rule a tribe, a city, or a business......but for now he must bide his time selling songs and his companionship.

Main Tropes

Every RP character invokes tropes, even if only to subvert them.Dzakkhalis' Top 5 Tropes
Affably Evil
Hero Killer
Visionary Villain
Magnificent Bastard
The Revolution Will Not Be Civilized


- NEW You have heard of a Xaela from a defeated clan still daring to use the name.
- You have work of any kind.
- You may be a surviving member of the Kodar tribe, now living as a member of another tribe.
- You've heard rumors of a dark-skinned/red-eyed Xaela being seen leaving a poisoned opera afterparty in Ishgard some time back
- You require villainous services including, but certainly not limited to: maiming, seduction, party/event entertainment, intimidation, politically motivated violence, and flower arrangement.

Frequented Places

- Golden Saucer
- The Quicksand
- various casinos, brothels, taverns, and other seedy, questionable locations.


Likes: being free; conversation; non-lalafell; the color red (hair, clothing, weapons); sex, drugs, and rock n roll

Dislikes: Anyone who is higher status than someone else (especially him); being tethered, restricted, chained, or held down; hierarchies; being too serious; drinking; being insulted/threatened


Honestly, just walk up and throw something at me, we can make it work. (W/U and /t welcome!)Age: Player is 18+ and prefers playing with other adults.Villainy ... pitch? Resume?: I have about 15+ years of "big bad" villain rp experience from multiple mmos and offer my services to any poor unfortunate soul who needs a bit of unsettling terror in their fantasy life (or an adversary to overcome). [Note: The fate of each PC Dzak might terrorize rests entirely in the hand of that PC's player and not in my very delicate GRASSSP]For conflict resolution, still learning the available mechanics but pure RP or a straight /random works for me.I got a fulltime job and kids, so interruptions will happen and take priority over RP, your IRL commitments will always get the same respect.RP Restrictions:
- No child (or childlike) characters.

Villainous Services

Dzakkhalis is available to provide the following services:

Assassination: There is someone your character just doesn’t want around anymore, Dzakkhalis gets that, for the right price, death can be delivered under similar conditions to Character Retiring, below.
Requires consent of the target.
Price: Large amount of IC gil if not a “Khan” and protection from authorities.
• • • • • • •Bounty Target: Somewhere along the line Dzakkhalis slipped up and became wanted for questioning or some activity. Now it’s up to you to try to bring him in. Be warned - it will not be easy.
Permadeath is not available.
• • • • • • •Character Retiring: Done with your character? Planning to use a Fantasia potion and start a whole new life? Let Dzakkhalis help usher your character through the final door. Can be a public, private, or a mixed affair. Specifics as requested by the player.
Price: Free if character qualifies as a “Khan”, else Assassination pricing may apply.
• • • • • • •Conversion to the Dark side: Maybe your character is too soft and fluffy around the edges. Maybe you just want some proper push in the right direction. Let Dzakkhalis be your guide and squish that conscience cricket.
Seduction included by request only
Price: Free
• • • • • • •Espionage and Information: Need some information on a Free Company? Want to know what your dear friend is doing when they’re off at the Golden Saucer? Let Dzakkhalis investigate for you.
Price: Information of equal interest or IC gil
• • • • • • •Khan Status: You are a character who:
- Is a criminal, thug, or leader of organized crime.
- Is of the noble, aristocrat, wealthy merchant class
- Upholds the current social order and helps enforce it (guard, Grand Company, etc)
You may be eligible to be considered a Khan. Benefits include, but are not limited to:- Being placed on Dzakkhalis’s short list.
- Occassional attempts on your character or sabotage of your character’s goal.
- Having a go-to villain for your own plots.
As with Assassination above, permanent effects (death, etc) to characters is at the sole discretion of the player who pilots that character.
Price: RP...?